“The Gathering” is a short film presented by the Brooklyn Film Festival, inspired by real accounts of alleged sexual misconduct in the film industry. The story is about three actresses who were denied roles due to harassment, and a chance encounter that reveals their shared experience
CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER Chris Beresford-Hill EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Amy Ferguson, Julia Neumann, ASSOCIATE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Shannon Murphy, Line Johnsen DIRECTOR PRODUCER Sarah Haroldson SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Marjorie Vardo DIRECTOR Emily Elizabeth Thomas EP Rebecca Niles LINE PRODUCER Lizzie Shapiro & Madeleine Askwith DOP Alexa Wolf ASSISTENT DIRECTOR Rachel Morgan PRODUCTION DESIGNER Eugene Choi COSTUME Laura Goron EDITOR Stephania Dulowski COLORIST Jenny Montgomery VFX Adam Greenberg SOUND MIX Craig Logiudice TEASER MIX Rob Difondi